Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Third Day

It’s hard for me to admit when I don’t know something. I’m not sure if that’s a matter of spending too much of my adolescent and adult life trying to live up to the “gifted” stereotype or a matter of ego, but either way, it leads to admissions like this one feeling awkward:

There are a lot of well-known Names that I know virtually nothing about...

Sure, I’ve read up on most of the major myths, but I haven’t studied the mythologies in depth yet. I have dealt with some good overviews (Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods for one), but I like overarching concepts and whole-to-part thinking—which means I tend to miss the trees for the forest instead of the other way around.

 I can talk at length about the role and importance of solar deities, but ask me to talk about a specific one and Ra is the only Name that comes up for me and I don’t even know that much about him. That’s not to say I’m never detail oriented in my studies—I certainly am when something becomes crucial to my work. I read just about every scrap of info I could find on Set, but then, because of that selectivity, I’m embarrassingly sketchy on Heru’s myths outside of the contendings.

I could probably throw a dart at a list of Names and it would be more likely to strike a name I have little or no knowledge of than one I have studied or experienced. True, there are a lot of obscure deities on that list, so the probability is probably tipped in favor of that outcome regardless of how much studying one does, but I can’t help feeling it’s a slightly higher probability for me than for most.

This is not for lack of effort or interest, just for lack of time and resources. With Set more or less guiding everything up till this point, there really hasn’t been a pressing need to do that study and with everything else I’ve got going on…talismanry, continuing my contemplation of etheric anatomy, oracle work, studies in illusion, trancework, spiritual writing, ancestor work, and rebuilding my sense of self after a major paradigm shift…I’m more or less fully loaded, as it were. I research myths about individual Names as they come up (or in some cases, show up) and/or as they become important to what I’m doing.

But… Anuket and Maahes. I know nothing about them, keep seeing their names in print, and really need to look them up at some point. 

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