Sunday, July 1, 2012


They were proud.

I am still glowing from the warm feeling of that.

I made a necklace for them--a one of a kind design, never to be repeated--and offered it during the dua today. I read the list of names, saying after each that I respectfully offered to them if they wished it. I was surprised how many of them did. Perhaps, when refusing before, it was not so much the act of veneration they were averse to (and rejecting) as it was the way in which it was presented. Perhaps last time I was too presumptive and it came off as rude? It could also have been the pendant which swayed them. I sensed a special attention being paid to that object more-so than the food offering or the flowers or even the water. They were proud. Proud of my skill, of my eye for beauty. Proud of my creation--that it had come from our line. 

My ancient, other life ancestors were happy merely to see me, and though I do not doubt that they were about even today, this offering got attention from my modern, present life ancestors. From people whose names and stories I know. They loved the pendant and, I think, through it were able to recognize me. Then they were happy to hear me read their names. They stayed for a bit and enjoyed the offerings. They heard my plea on my mother's behalf and I think they may have answered it: they are intervening on our behalf.

I am grateful beyond words.

And so I decide I will make them more art. And so it begins.

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