Monday, December 31, 2012

A Random Discourse with my Ba after my Naming

We were talking about the name and the nature of the ruling duality that I am now aware oversees us. It is a curious thing, to speak with one's Ba--that quiet still voice within that is not quite divine yet not quite mortal, which is part of myself and yet still distinct:


It is like gilding chaos. Its essence gilded in gold.

“Gold as in the sun? As in the inherent order of the solar cycle? Gilding chaos with cyclical order...that is an interesting way to think of it. How does one go about gilding chaos, I wonder?”

If anyone knows, He knows. I would think it’s like setting a gem— only the setting knows it has to bend and move with the stone or it will break. This is not the sort of stone to be faceted and set in the usual manner.

“No, I suppose not…you have odd analogies.”

I am aware that you appreciate novelty. 


Thus there is a new name for the blog. And a new look. For those who were wondering, Iakhu-Itui is my Kemetic name as received in the the House of Netjer naming ceremony, which means I am officially a Shemsu. It means "Radiance of My Two Fathers" and refers, of course, to Set and Ra. 

Just as Aeshna Is: A Space to Exist, referenced my needs at the time of the blog's creation, so too does this new name reference my current focus: a desire to understand how my two fathers fit together and how that manifests in my life. 

(Just for kicks a bit of trivia: Aeshna is part of the scientific classification of a variety of red dragonfly found along the Nile in Egypt. Dragonflies are a personal symbol for me which connects strongly to my conception of Netjer as the one in the One and the Many. Just as my new Kemetic name is patron specific by the nature of the Naming itself, Aeshna was specifically meant to be non-specific--I came up with the name so I could register for the HoN forums during the beginners class and it seemed to fit along with the intentionally generic Senut shrine...which will now not be generic much longer...)


  1. Nekhtet on your new name! I'm sorry I missed the Naming ceremony. (Wasn't feeling well, so didn't feel pure enough to attend the Dua part of the chat, and it seemed rude to pop in halfway through.)

    Your name is gorgeous, and I hope you have a splendid time plumbing its secrets. ^_^

    1. Thank you! :D

      I really like my name, and I am definitely left with much to think on. This is going to make life very interesting, I can tell already. :)
