Archive of Shrines

So I got an idea today: why not keep a record of shrines? It seems that I find occasion to change the basic look and feel of my main shrine at least once a year. Now that I have a formal Senut shrine as my main shrine, I thought it might be fun to have a visual record of my growth in this faith. Thus, I have decided to photograph and date images of my shrine whenever I make major permanent changes to it. For simplicity's sake, I'm only going to include images from my beginner's shrine forward (Aug. 2012 and on from that). I'll divide sections with horizontal breaks, since I will likely include multiple images of each shrine. Dates will be at the top of the sections and the sections will be arranged in descending order with the most recent shrine on the top.

January 2013

This is the big one: the shrine with my full line-up after my RPD.  (^-^)

October 2012

 Not a Senut Shrine, but the altar for my mother's 70-day ceremony--important enough to include here, I think.

August 2012

 The drawing of the ankh I made and used fancy paper to do a frame. That's a bleached ostrich feather below it. The small items hanging to either side of the ankh are the linking talismans I made when I had to leave my primary residence to care for my mother in her last few months of life. The bottom shelf of the shrine actually supports the tin I used as a travel shrine. The small butterfly pouch contains the Kemetic Oracle cards I made this summer. There are no statues in the shrine (though I do have some) because this is during the Zep Tepi beginner's class and I needed to keep the shrine generic.

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