Thursday, May 31, 2012


Zep Tepi. The first time. Or more aptly, a return to it. 

I have had other blogs before and they have fallen by the wayside with time. I spent too much time posturing and lecturing and trying to prove something to the world--and all of that is tiring. One eventually runs out of "world changing" things to say. One eventually realizes that much of it has been said before, and though well spoken words are magic of a kind that certainly can change the world, there is far more to it.

I was told once by one of the Names that while they can guide an arrow, it is up to the archer to draw the bow.   Nothing is accomplished without effort. Speaking is not enough. Without the breath of intent to give life to the spell of our words and without the movement of our limbs and the just actions carried out in our lives to give meaning to those utterances, they are but sounds. 

Many ancient languages do not include vowels in their written language because vowels were considered to be the breath of the speaker, the consonants merely instruments that the talented reader could make sing. I believe that our language--that all language--is much the same. My breath is lost in the translation to characters on a screen. Whatever my intent, this writing is only half my creation. The rest of the story is in the reader's hands. 

When I accepted my limited (though still important) role in this, I realized that speaking honestly and genuinely is of far more value to any reader than trying to "make them understand" something. I can not do that. Nor do I really desire that. I want to speak. I hope others read this and engage me in conversation because of it.  I hope a glimpse into my life provides the comfort of knowing that as superficial and artificial as the internet may sometimes seem, there are still real voices out there saying real human things. 

I am one of them. 

If you are giving your time to hear me, to connect with me, to share in my existence and maybe even share some of yours with me as well--Em Hotep.

 I value you.

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